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I've been training my new puppy Dante with a training program that my friend has sworn by for years.

And guess what...it has been working like a charm. While my neighbors constantly complain that their dog urinates in the house, eats plants, destroys things, etc., my Dante has been the perfect dog.

He isn't agressive, he can stay, lay down, and walks very well on a leash.So what is this amazing program? It's appropriately called "Sit, Stay, Fetch".

The program has been featured in "Dog Training Weekly" and won several awards. I remember when I was younger, we bought a Labrador named "Franklin", and my parents hired a trainer to come to our house. Boy, what a NIGHTMARE. That is why I was hesitant to put much faith into "Sit, Stay, Fetch".

Through the free videos, Dante has even learned a few neat tricks like "speak", "shake", "play dead", "roll over". But the best is when I put a little doggie biscuit on his nose, and he balances it there until I say okay, at which point he devours it before it hits the ground!

Needless to say, I'm extremely satisfied with this program, and would recommend it to other dog owner, and prospective dog owners alike.

Here is the website: www.sitstayfetch.com.

Good Luck!


Susan Knobbs